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More Quick and Easy 30-Minute Recipes (Non-Pasta)

It filled my heart to hear that some of you already tried some of the pasta recipes from last week’s newsletter, Quick and Easy 30-Minute Pasta Recipes, and enjoyed them. 💛

My friend Margarita requested quick and easy recipes, so I thought I would share another list of ValeCook’s approved recipes. But—this time, they are not just quick and easy pasta recipes but non-pasta recipes that take 30 minutes or less to make for lunch or dinner. 🍽️⏱️

And add to this list the two salmon recipes I tried below. They are so tasty 😋🐟.

Recipe Request and Recommendation Corner 📋

My brother’s sister-in-law also recommended Bonberi, so I gave Sophie’s Green Juice Ice Pops a try. I love these.

Recipes Made So Far This Year:

Goal: To try seven different recipes each week 🗓️, aiming for 365 this year!

 Number of Recipes Made this Week: 10

Number of New Recipes Tested as of 5/26: 184

Weeks Achieving seven or More New Recipes: 20 out of 21

This Week’s Recipe Test Summary

Impress Someone🌟

As you might remember, I am a big “paletas” girl. This one is perfect if you are craving a healthier sweet treat. I’ve eaten them all.

I bought some fresh Costco salmon and made two salmon recipes. This one is so easy but feels elegant. It is a great main protein dish when you have friends or family over for dinner.

Would Make Again 👍

Another easy, quick recipe that is really good.

Would Not Make Again 👎

These recipes didn’t live up to expectations or weren’t to my taste.

This one was too sweet; my favorite Mango Lassi is by Eitan Bernath

Really excited for stone fruit season!

Gnocchi with Broccoli and Lemony Ricotta from Hot Sheet: Sweet and Savory Sheet Pan Recipes for Every Day and Celebrations🥦🍋

I have seen Chef Bae | Brooke Baevsky all over TikTok, but this one was a no-go.

I prefer this orange chicken recipe, which I always made in college.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, or any recipe requests you might have. Just respond directly to this email.

See you next week. Keep cooking! 👋 

Vale from ValeCooks