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Simple Snacks and Feel Good Foodie Recipes

Spent some time skiing last week with H, H’s cousin Pepelo and his wife, Cons🎿. It was a wonderful time filled with so many laughs. I wasn’t sure if I would get to make any elaborate recipes, so I planned for 7 simple ones that would not need too many ingredients or time⏰. I actually made four of them in just an hour on Monday, leaving me to only 3 recipes to make over the next 6 days.

Five of those recipes were from Feel Good Foodie. I’ve come across Feel Good Foodie on TikTok and Instagram before. However, it was after making her Date Bark (which I loved😍) that I noticed the snacks tab on her website— so handy! Now, I need to find other bloggers who organize their recipes with a snack tab. These are so easy and delicious - perfect for the little ones.

Aside from the Date Bark and the recipes below, I’ve also tried two other recipes from FeelGoodFoodie — her Garlic Smashed Potatoes 🥔 and her Shish Tawook🍗— both great! I am looking forward to trying out her Lebanese recipes soon.

Recipes Made So Far This Year:

Goal: To try 7 different recipes each week 🗓️, aiming for a total of 365 this year!

 Number of New Recipes Tested as of 2/4: 67

Weeks Achieving 7 or More New Recipes: 8 out of 8

This Week’s Recipe Test Summary

Impress Someone🌟
  1. Frozen Yogurt Bark from Feel Good Foodie 

    I made these twice in the same week. Cons loved them

    ❤️. You can make a recipe and a half out of the regular-sized yogurt tub. I highly recommend this brand of yogurt for frozen yogurt treats; my mom has been using it since I was a kid.

  2. Chocolate Peppermint Bark from Feel Good Foodie🍫

    These would be a great homemade Christimas gift or great to bring to a Christmas party. Heads-up: they are best enjoyed within two days of making them. H and Pepelo loved them❤️.

Would Make Again 👍
  1. Brown Butter, Pistachio and Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies from How Sweet Eats 🍪

    These are delicious, though I’m not big on pistachios in desserts. In case you missed it, click here for my other favorite brown butter recipes.

Would Not Make Again 👎
These recipes didn’t live up to expectations or just weren’t to my taste.
  1. Cream Cheese Fruit Dip from Feel Good Foodie🍓

  2. Matcha Chia Pudding from Feel Good Foodie🍵

  3. Marinated Tomato Toast from LET’S EAT cookbook by Dan Pelosi 🍅

    They’re good, but I don’t think a recipe is necessary. I am a huge fan of Dan Pelosi.

  4. Pecan Butter Chocolate Truffle from Run Fast. Eat Slow.🌰

    It’s from one of my favorite healthy eating cookbooks, just not my favorite recipe.

  5. Almond Joy Bars from Feel Good Foodie🥥

In case you missed it, I’ve put together some quick video tutorials showcasing my go-to recipe app - Paprika Recipe Manager.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, or any recipe request you might have. Just respond directly to this email.

See you next week. Keep cooking! 👋 

Vale from ValeCooks