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  • The Highs and Lows of Recipe Testing

The Highs and Lows of Recipe Testing

This is the first week I don't have a single recipe listed under the "Impress Someone" category🌟, and I had seven out of the nine recipes I made this week listed under the "Would Not Make Again" category🚫.

Finding a good recipe isn't as easy as it might seem. It doesn't matter if you consistently cook your favorite chef's recipes; not all of them are guaranteed to be great. This is something I've noticed with social media, where people tend to publish content (recipe after recipe), and these recipes may not have been thoroughly tested or perfected. Not all recipes in your favorite cook's cookbook are going to score a perfect 10/10 📚. If I'm mistaken, please let me know!

Reflecting on my Excel document, which lists all the recipes I've tried since 2020, I noticed several streaks where I was experimenting with new recipes that I would never make again—some streaks were as long as 11 recipes. I think finding a recipe that truly impresses someone is a rare find💎 — you just have to be patient.

And I believe if someone shares such a gem with you, it's only right to share one in return🔄.

If you have any request, please fill out this form 📝💬

Recipes Made So Far This Year:

Goal: To try 7 different recipes each week 🗓️, aiming for a total of 365 this year!

 Number of Recipes Made this Week: 9

Number of New Recipes Tested as of 2/4: 109

Weeks Achieving 7 or More New Recipes: 12 out of 12

This Week’s Recipe Test Summary

Impress Someone🌟

Nothing this week.

Would Make Again 👍

I made these for my sister, and while the texture of these bliss balls was very good, they were just a bit too sweet for me.

This was H’s request, but this time I made it with pancetta. I want to try it again but with guanciale. Super easy to make!

Would Not Make Again 👎

These recipes didn’t live up to expectations or just weren’t to my taste.

Tahini Molasses Granola from the Rise & Run cookbook 🥣

Paletas de Platano Rostizado (Roasted Banana Popsicles) from Mexican Ice Cream: Beloved Recipe and Stories cookbook 🍌🍦

Mexican popsicles are probably one of my favorite desserts, if not my favorite. These were tasty, but they had an aftertaste I did not enjoy. For delicious Mexican popsicles, I highly recommend this cookbook - "Aguas Frescas & Paletas" by Ericka Sanchez (this is in English!).

This was my first time making cinnamon rolls, and I think the issue was mine because I don’t think I proofed them properly.

Greek Baklava from allrecipes 🇬🇷🍯

There is a much better baklava recipe here, but I would make it with a blend of pistachios and walnuts instead of just walnuts.

In case you missed it, I’ve put together some quick video tutorials showcasing my go-to recipe app - Paprika Recipe Manager.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, or any recipe request you might have. Just respond directly to this email.

See you next week. Keep cooking! 👋 

Vale from ValeCooks